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With from all over the country helped a colleague from Berdsk, who had a fire

With from all over the country helped a colleague from Berdsk, who had a fire
Employees of the Federal tax service from all over Russia helped a colleague from Berdsk — the family of tax inspector Oksana Ibraeva burned down a two-bedroom apartment, which they bought a mortgage.
The fire happened on October 14. In the evening of that day Oksana with her 7-year-old son did lessons while the younger was playing nearby, and her husband was at work.

"We arrived in the evening from my grandmother. About eight in the evening turned on the light, TV. With senior I filled out a diary, in notebooks wrote, and a small TV watched. I smelled burning, but we have a private sector, I thought that again something is burning in the gardens. I went to the kitchen, look from the loggia: everything is in order, and in the corridor the smell is stronger. I run into another room, and there is already a sofa burns, pillows. I, apparently, in a state of passion tried to extinguish something, but soft blankets flashed, black smoke went. We barefoot with the kids ran out. I managed to grab the car keys, my son's backpack and my bag," Oksana said about the fire.

Neighbor Ibrayev called the fire, but despite their efforts, the apartment burned out completely. In the new family Ibrayev drove 4 years ago and still pays for her mortgage. 10 days before the fire, Ibraevs insured the apartment, but under the terms of the contract, the insurance begins to operate after only 14 days — whether the family will be able to receive insurance payments, they still do not know.

Oksana Ibraeva said that the experts found that the fire was due to a faulty wiring. Versions that the reason could be an outstanding cigarette butt or a game of children with matches, excluded, as Oksana does not smoke, and the children were with her.

At Ibrayev all things burned down. The next day Oksana could not even go to work — she had no shoes. Having learned about a trouble of the colleague, the staff of tax inspection No. 3 which works in Berdsk and Iskitim, started collecting money and things for a family of fire victims.

"The next day reported that I can not go to work — I have nothing, all shoes burned. The inspection began to collect us material assistance, a lot of things transferred. Then colleagues have sent the letter to Novosibirsk management with a request for the help, and in Novosibirsk have sent on all inspections. People list: who 50 rubles, who 100, who 200. They write that Novgorod, Perm and other cities.
Collected about 150 thousand rubles, restoration was estimated by builders in 700 thousand. We restore the apartment on our own.

The Builder Victor Alekseevich Golubev, it is his house, inserted Windows and wiring. Friends with her husband only 170 bags of cement delivered," — said Oksana.

The tax authorities are willing to help, led by this was confirmed in conversation with the correspondent of the portal NGS, several members of the Department.
Also, the family helped parents from kindergarten and school, where children go Ibraev-share things and utensils.

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